Sunday, September 5, 2010


Final exam is just around the corner, but i'm still at here, blogging, facebook-ing, mahjong-ing...Gosh, what am i doing actually?

Keep avoiding from study is not a good idea for me. Since my CGPA is not as good as what i expected.. Degree course is much harder than Diploma, definitely. 

One of my friends told me, young is our asset, we can try anything we want, coz we start from zero..worse come to worse, we ended up losing nothing. But still, do you brave enough to take the challenge? 

A normal life is maybe meaningless for someone, but for me, it's priceless. Honestly, i just only want to lead a normal life..a simple, happy life. Get marriage, a house, a good husband, and 2 cars maybe. Noticed that's something different? yea, I've missed out one thing--> kids.

Just different with other girls, i didn't feel like having any children, my own kids i mean. Maybe, i just giving too much stresses on this issue. I always think like, having a baby is not an easy job, he/she is my responsible, to take care, look after, watched him/her to grow up... It's kinda beautiful thing actually, but i don't think i can handle it....

I just being quite negatively actually... getting to marry is not an ending of our love story, it's a new chapter of new life. When both of us come to the divorce, who will be the victim? The kids will be. I don't want a broken family for my kids, i want them to live happily in a healthy family. That's why i don't want a kid. 

Nah, enough for my silly thinking! As my friend said, we can try anything as we are young. Maybe, i will change my mind in one day~ 

These little bears are all my kids!

It'a just a vain pic of mine haha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


我很不开心, 真得很不开心. 我希望这只是暂时的, 过了就没事.

我快要发飙了.. 我不喜欢, 在我犯错时, 你不安慰我就算了, 还一直说我错! 你知道我已经难受吗?
我的脾气就是这样怪..因为犯错时我会很羞愧, 很想找个地洞来钻, 而不是一直听: 你应该怎样怎样, 怎样怎样...我已经很紧张了. 是不是,要等我冷静下来以后, 才告诉我本来因该怎样做? 当下,你一直说: 你本来应该要酱,为什么不酱咧? 我已经做错了要我给你什么反应好? 正在紧张得不得了的我, 思绪都被你打搅了...如果,你可以, 给我一些时间, 安静的时间, 我是可以知道下一步要怎么做的.

我不是故意把情绪写在脸上, 我也知道人家看我的脸色也不好. 我只是很伤心而已. 不想笑. 我不笑的样子, 很凶, 所以才会常常让人觉得我在不爽. 我不是! 我不爽的几率, 远远比我伤心的还要来得少

我可以哭吗? 但理智告诉我,不可以。